
Date fiscale
CUI: RO26163117
Număr de înregistrare: J35/2076/2009

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Date fiscale
CUI: RO26163117
Număr de înregistrare: J35/2076/2009

CPS GNSS Network

Product code: 8001000035__en


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Description Product specifications Reviews

The CPS modular software framework provides extreme stability and scalability of your RTK correction services. The CHCStream module transmits raw GNSS data from GNSS reference stations to CPS Software Core which calculates RTK corrections, ensures real-time quality control and manages user subscription. The CPSCaster module provides unified users with access to available RTK networks, and CPSWEB provides a comprehensive user management platform, including LBS, data plan, online subscription, and front-end management of GNSS networks.
The CPS quality control module monitors the quality of GNSS data in real time for each reference station. The data storage module converts the raw GNSS data from each reference station into RINEX or binary data. Advanced GNSS correction modules calculate RTCM RTK optimized corrections.
CPS integrates all GNSS constellations -GPS, GLONASS, Galileo and BeiDou- to provide users with complete GNSS RTK positioning services. CPS is compatible with all industry standard GNSS receiver models.
Configuring the RTK network is simplified with the CPS web-based administration console. CPS Web is built around seven modules: RTK network configuration, SMS or email alerts, user management, subscription subscription, including service packages, real-time monitoring of the reference station, GNSS data management and a location system ( LBS) to monitor users in real time.

Category: Raw data collection software

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