
Date fiscale
CUI: RO26163117
Număr de înregistrare: J35/2076/2009

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Date fiscale
CUI: RO26163117
Număr de înregistrare: J35/2076/2009

LT700 Controller

Product code: 8008000057__en


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Comenzile peste 500 de lei beneficiază de transport gratuit. Taxa standard de livrare este 20 de lei, iar pentru zonele care nu se află în raza de acoperire a curierului costul poate fi mai mare
Retur - 14 zile
Retur - 14 zile
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Description Product specifications Reviews

The LT700 control unit with a vivid display, 8-inch screen, 450 cd / m2, ensures reading in sunlight and improves the viewing of maps and data.
With GMS (Google Mobile Service) certification, it runs the most common professional data collection applications available in the Google Play Store.
The robust design and long battery life provide the ability to run uninterrupted for a full day's work.
Running maps and big data sets without delay or slowdown ensures even more productive work. The 4G dual-SIM modem ensures a fast and reliable connection with mobile teams.

Category: Tablet

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LT700 Controller
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