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Fiscal Data
CUI: RO26163117
Registration number: J35/2076/2009

GNSS i90 PRO Receiver

Product code: 8001000075_en

Brand: CHC NAV

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Description Product specifications Reviews


The embedded 624-channel GNSS technology takes benefit from all GPS, GLONASS, Galileo and BeiDou signals and provides robust RTK position availability and reliability.


No complicated calibration process, rotation, leveling or accessories are necessary with the i90. Just a few meters walk will initialize the i90 internal IMU module and enable RTK survey in difficult field environment.


The i90 GNSS combines high-end connectivity modules: Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, NFC, 4G, and UHF radio modem. The 4G modem brings ease of use when working within RTK networks. The internal UHF radio modem allows long-distance base-to-rover surveying up to 5 km.


The i90 GNSS build-in IMU ensures interference-free and automatic pole-tilt compensation in real-time. 3 cm accuracy is achieved with pole-tilt range of up to 30 degrees.

The i90 GNSS receiver offers integrated IMU-RTK technology to provide a robust and accurate positioning, in any circumstances. Unlike the standard MEMS-based GNSS receivers, the i90 GNSS IMU-RTK combines state-of-the-art GNSS RTK engine, a calibration-free high-end IMU sensor and advanced GNSS tracking capabilities to dramatically increase RTK availability and reliability.

The i90 automatic pole-tilt compensation boosts survey and stakeout speed by up to 30%. Construction and land surveying projects are achieved with high productivity and reliability pushing the boundaries of conventional GNSS RTK survey.

Category: GNSS receiver with internal radio modem

Brand: CHC NAV

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